
Joshua's notes and thoughts about programming, DevOps, and other odds and ends.


Prioritize deep work over incremental improvement

This resonated with me because I also struggle to make incremental improvements. My natural tendency is to work hard on projects that I'm deeply interested in, and then likely not touch them for a long time (if ever). But the knowledge that I gain from working deeply like this tends to be very useful in other projects, conversations, etc.


Quoting Elizabeth Filips



Quoting Stephen West



Scaling Postgres Databases with Liquibase on Kubernetes

I recently dived into scaling stateful applications in Kubernetes, focusing particularly on Postgres databases. My current project also integrates Liquibase for database migrations, which led me to explore its impact on scaling. Here are the consolidated notes from my research.

Difficulty: intermediate

Markdown Link Content Scraper

I've been using NotebookLLM for a few months now, which I quite enjoy. Sometimes I have a main source that is a website, and then I also want to add all of the linked sources. This is obviously very tedious, so today I created a quick little web interface that does the hard work for me, which you can try out here.


Blog Move from Replit to Fly.io

Yesterday, I moved my blog from Replit to fly.io. Replit was nice because it allowed me to quickly and easily get my blog out into the world. I had been wanting to create my own blog from scratch for a while, and I have been enjoying tweaking it however I like. Unfortunately, Replit doesn't have an API or any facility to create CI/CD pipelines. I listen to the Changelog podcast regularly, and they are always advertising that they use fly.io, so I looked into it and found that it was super easy to get going. This will be my notes on the process.

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